The CMS-HCC data mart implements v24 and v28 versions of the CMS-HCC risk model.
There are many tedious steps to map HCCs and calculate risk scores. Most of the critical information is not easy to use since CMS distributes rate announcements annually in PDFs and mappings in Excel files. Many existing tools, such as the SAS program from CMS, require you to have the patient data preprocessed.
Additionally, the new CMS-HCC model V28 will be phased in over three years, requiring organizations to run both models V24 and V28 to create blended risk scores.
- Payment year 2024 risk scores will be blended using 67% of the risk score calculated from V24 and 33% from V28.
- Payment year 2025 risk scores will be blended using 33% of the risk score calculated from V24 and 67% from V28.
- Beginning in payment year 2026 risk scores will be 100% from V28.
The data mart is built on top of the Core Data Model. In the diagram below we provide an overview explanation of how the data mart works.
Data Requirements
In order to run the CMS-HCC data mart you need to map the following data elements to the Input Layer. These are the only data elements required.
- patient_id
- gender
- birth_date
- death_date
- enrollment_start_date
- enrollment_end_date
- original_reason_entitlement_code
- dual_status_code
- medicare_status_code
Medical claim:
- claim_id
- claim_line_number
- claim_type
- patient_id
- claim_start_date
- claim_end_date
- bill_type_code
- hcpcs_code
- diagnosis_code_type
- diagnosis_code_1*
*Up to 25 diagnosis codes are allowable, but only 1 is required.
The data mart includes logic that allows you to choose which payment year you want to use to calculate the risk scores. You can also use the snapshot functionality to capture the risk scores calculated for each payment, or on a month-to-month basis.
defaults to the current yearsnapshots_enabled
is an optional variable that can be enabled to allow running the mart for multiple years
To run the data mart, simply update the payment year in your dbt_project.yml
file or use the --vars
dbt command, if you want to change the payment year
from the current year default. See examples below.
dbt Examples
cms_hcc_payment_year: 2020
snapshots_enabled: true
dbt command:
# Uses defaults or vars from project yml, runs all marts
dbt build
# Runs only the CMS HCC mart using defaults or vars from project yml
dbt build --select tag:cms_hcc
# Overrides vars from project yml, executes snapshots
dbt build --select tag:cms_hcc --vars '{cms_hcc_payment_year: 2020, snapshots_enabled: true}'
Data Dictionary
This final model displays the contributing demographic and disease risk factors, interactions, and HCCs for each enrollee in the payment year.
Column | Data Type | Description | Terminology |
This final model calculates the CMS HCC raw risk score, normalized risk score, and payment risk score for each enrollee in the payment year.
Column | Data Type | Description | Terminology |
Average CMS-HCC Risk Scores
count(distinct patient_id) as patient_count
, avg(blended_risk_score) as average_blended_risk_score
, avg(normalized_risk_score) as average_normalized_risk_score
, avg(payment_risk_score) as average_payment_risk_score
from cms_hcc.patient_risk_scores
Average CMS-HCC Risk Scores by Patient Location
, patient.zip_code
, avg(risk.payment_risk_score) as average_payment_risk_score
from cms_hcc.patient_risk_scores as risk
inner join core.patient as patient
on risk.patient_id = patient.patient_id
group by
, patient.zip_code;
Distribution of CMS-HCC Risk Factors
, count(*) as total
, cast(100 * count(*)/sum(count(*)) over() as numeric(38,1)) as percent
from cms_hcc.patient_risk_factors
group by risk_factor_description
order by 2 desc
Risk Weighted by Member Months
select sum(payment_risk_score_weighted_by_months) / sum(member_months) as weighted_risk_total
from cms_hcc.patient_risk_scores;
Stratified CMS-HCC Risk Scores
(select count(*) from cms_hcc.patient_risk_scores where payment_risk_score <= 1.00) as low_risk
, (select count(*) from cms_hcc.patient_risk_scores where payment_risk_score = 1.00) as average_risk
, (select count(*) from cms_hcc.patient_risk_scores where payment_risk_score > 1.00) as high_risk
, (select avg(payment_risk_score) from cms_hcc.patient_risk_scores) as total_population_average;
Total HCC Conditions
, count(*) patient_count
from cms_hcc.patient_risk_factors
where factor_type = 'Disease'
group by risk_factor_description
order by count(*) desc